64 Years of Contribution
The Sausalito Foundation was formed by residents to purchase two city blocks of underwater lots at Shelter Cove and to deed them to the City of Sausalito. The purchased lots have preserved the view of San Francisco and the Bay forever. These lots are located in Old Town between Richardson St. and Main St.
Sea Lion Sculpture by Sausalito artist Al Sybrian. Through a fund drive by Sausalito Foundation, the sculpture was cast in bronze and mounted offshore on rocks along the southern Sausalito waterfront. Sybrian gifted the sculpture to the City and sea lion image copyright to the Foundation to be used in support of art in Sausalito.
The Art Collection in City Hall. Ongoing acquisition and archival presentation of works by Sausalito artists and of Sausalito subjects supported by the sale of Sea Lion replicas cast by Heath Ceramics.
Sod purchased for original Dunphy Park.
Restoration of the Vina del Mar fountain, originally created for the San Francisco Pan Pacific Exposition. Central downtown plaza, named for first Sister City which is in Chile. In honor of the nation’s bicentennial.
Refurbished MLK Playground, soccer field, track at former elementary school, northern Sausalito.
Purchased tot’s slide for local playground.
Sally Stanford Drinking Fountain and Leland Fountain for dogs. Downtown Ferry Landing. Named for infamous for mayor of Sausalito and her dog, Leland.
Whale & Pelican Metal bas-relief, commissioned and installed with the Chamber of Commerce. Robin Sweeny Park, City Hall.
Purchased drinking fountains for several city parks.
Bolinar sculpture by local artist, John Libberton, and landscaping by David Schwartz. Foundation donor’s names on Heath Ceramic bricks. Commissioned along with the Friends of the Festival for the City’s centennial, installed and maintained. Napa Street at Bridgeway near Dunphy Park.
Annual contributions to Sausalito 4th of July fireworks, Sausalito Library Children’s Holiday Tree, non-profit fiscal agent for neighborhood improvement projects.
Elephant sculptures and fountain from Pan Pacific Exposition restored for third time. Downtown Vina del Mar Park, central Sausalito.
Sea Lion sculpture rescued, restored after storm and re-mounted in the bay across from Tiffany Park, Bridgeway, southern Sausalito.
Restored historic lights on public steps by Tiffany Park on Bridgeway across from Sea Lion.
Ice House Plaza, exterior refurbishment and landscaping in coordination with Sausalito Historical Society. Bridgeway at Bay Street.
Jean Varda Mosaic. Repair and Restore. Marinship Park, next to the Bay Model on the Sausalito waterfront.
All Our Children United Tunnel Mural painted by Raylene Gorum in the Sausalito-Marin City underpass tunnel.
Sausalito Sea Lion sculpture restored and re-installed after damage from a winter storm.
All Project Stories
Marin City - Sausalito Tunnel Art Project
Sausalito Tunnel Project